February 07, 2007

The Office and the end of The Story

A friend lent my wife and I season 2 of The Office. It is has taken us approximately three days to view over half of the episodes. We love it. The writing is brilliant, and Jim and Dwight simply carry the show. Something has grabbed me, though, that I did not expect. A love story. I’m a bit ashamed to admit it. Just as Titanic’s epic romance did for so many people around the world, Jim and Pam’s love struggle affects my heart in a way love stories used to, before innocence was lost and the world blinded me from God.

Before we began season 2, my wife blew the ending, informing me that the two kiss at the end of the last episode. I didn’t care then, not yet having been pulled into the romance. But now my heart is pulled in, and I had an epiphery (to use Michael Scott’s dictionary). Knowing the final scene doesn’t diminish or lessen the hoping, tension, and yearning for Jim to win Pam’s heart and kiss her. In fact, knowing the story ends well only heightens the anticipation and drama. Unfortunately, I don’t know how Jim and Pam will end up when The Office eventually ends (hopefully never). But in real life, I must know how the story ends.

God, I need this to be true. In our postmodern world, the idea that life is a story may be too easily accepted or too quickly discarded. But it’s true. And we must know how it ends. We must. It would change how we live, the energy we bring to each day, the focus we give to each moment. And like Jim and Pam’s love story, knowing how the Larger Story ends would only increase our anticipation and longing for it. How does the story end for those who have been ransomed by the Hero? To better answer this and stay close to the 300 word goal I set for blogs, I leave you with some wells that give me a taste of eternal water…

The Last Battle, by C.S. Lewis

Chapter 12 “Coming Home” in The Sacred Romance, by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge

The last 5 minutes of the movie Gladiator

“Into the West,” a song by Annie Lennox

(pictures from nbc.com)

1 comment:

Ted Ancelet said...

Hey Luke, Tracie and I got season 1 & 2 from a friend over Christmas...watched them in less than a week, and now have half of season 3 on itunes. The show is hilareous, we don't miss an episode.

I wanted to also ask you a question. While in K-town you once gave me a chart from Ransomed Heart Ministires of the different stages of manhood, is there anyway I could get that from you again? If you need my address let me know. I hate to bother you about it, but I'd really appreciate it.

Oh...and what did you think of 24?! Next week...2 hours!