Knowing the cook can be an even greater pleasure than enjoying his food.
-Larry Crabb, Finding God
Regardless of a person’s circumstances and physical well-being, this statement applies. Of course there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the food. But knowing and tasting God is the point. How quickly I forget. For the most part, God exists and becomes a help in solving problems. A resource to notify when pain needs to be taken away. Much like a doctor who prescribes medication.
Listen to your prayers throughout the day. Are they centered on “God, this situation is hard, help me clear it up and get through it,” or “God, I don’t know what to do and the pain is real. Help me to trust that you are good regardless of what the outcome is”? When in pain or struggle, I tend to approach someone older and wiser in an attempt to have my pain cured or problem solved. Just get me through this and stop the hurt. How many counselors make their living off situations like these?
We all desire Life. Jesus promises it (John 10:10). It just doesn’t happen the way we want it to. My God, how maddening. The chaos of life threatens our homes built on the sand. How sweet of a resting place it would be to experience the following story:
You and I walk into a 5-star restaurant. Before we can give the host our name and table preference, she welcomes us by name, tells us the chef has already notified her of our arrival, and she brings us to our seats. The menu given to us is personally tailored to each of our tastes. As we look over the choices, our mouths salivating and our stomachs growling, we suddenly realize the food is not why the restaurant was built. Setting the menus down, and skipping the wine, we head towards the kitchen, this time it’s our hearts that ache. Before we even reach the doors, they swing open and the cook is running our way.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
Psalm 34:8
Hey Luke, I see your reading Dallas Willard's Divine Conspiracy...I look forward to hearing your thoughts. That book had a tremendous impact on me. If you can find the study guide its pretty helpful for processing.
Hope you guys have a great weekend, tell your bride the A-team says hi from Knoxville.
P.S. - UT gave it a valiant effort ...Ohio was just too strong.
Hey Ted. I'm actually listening to The Divine Conspiracy on my iPod, which comes with its own pros and cons. I went through it once already, but quickly found I can't retain as much listening as I can reading. So I'm going through it again. Thanks for your thoughts on the workbook. I will look into that.
I admit I am still sick over the UT game. I actually thought they might be playing today...then I remembered.
You guys have a great weekend as well!
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